Monday, January 27, 2014

A Few Pics From the Weekend

Hope you all had a great weekend!  We enjoyed the most beautiful weather I have ever seen, only to be followed today by temperatures in the teens and twenties with 50 mph wind gusts!  Some way to start the work week.

Here is a quick weekend recap in picture form.

Puppies!  Lots of naps + walks.
An amazing Ethiopian dinner.  Jay and I found a new restaurant in our area, and we cannot get enough.
A wonderful 3-mile run with a friend. 
We ran our way right into a local bar and rested up with a refreshing drink.
Followed by another drink with Jay on the back patio.  It was just too nice not to be outside!
A BBQ tempeh dinner while watching a live Google Hangout with Dr. Michael Greger (or "Nerd Man" as we call him) of
Jay and I posted three different questions, and we were so excited when he actually answered all three!  He even said my name and thanked me!!  I know, we are so cool. 
That's about all the excitement around here.  It's only Monday, but I am already getting geared up for next weekend.  Jay turns the big 3-0, and we have some super fun activities planned.  Adios!

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