I left this afternoon feeling pretty good about everything. The only problem is, I don't really have a voice. It started sounding really hoarse about three weeks ago and still hasn't come back all the way. That is going to make talking all day to 160 noisy seventh graders quite a challenge. It needs to get better asap!
Other than than that, I've just been trying to enjoy the last bit of summer. Between work starting for me and Jay being busy with volleyball, it seems like we've been cooking less than usual. We ate out several times this weekend and also enjoyed a couple of family dinners with relatives who were in town from Canada. My mom made an awesome vegan lasagna last night that I definitely need the recipe for! I contributed a salad made with strawberries, pecans, and goat cheese and tossed with balsamic vinaigrette. It was a tasty combo!
And our garden is still doing well, especially for how late in the summer it is. I picked these just the other day.
In terms of exercise, Jay and I are both sticking with the P90X3 program, although we aren't able to do the workouts together anymore most days. I still really like it for the most part and hope I can stick with it during the school year.
I've been horrible about taking pictures and blogging lately, but I hope to get back into the swing of things once I settle into more of a routine. I'll leave you with a picture of Wendy and her new BFF. She is totally in the spirit of shark week - she adores this thing!
Have a great week!

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