Thursday, November 7, 2013

15 Minute Body-Weight Pyramid Workout

Our workout group has been meeting for a while now on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, so when our trainer had to cancel this week we were all at a loss for what to do with ourselves.  It is hard to motivate yourself to exercise on your own when you are used to having someone there to do it for you!  A bunch of us were really missing the class, so this afternoon we decided to go ahead and meet and just do our own thing.  At least we could help motivate each other!

We hunkered down right in the middle of the hallway and ended up getting in a pretty good workout.  We started with a warm-up round of burpees, push-ups, crunches, squats, and a plank hold.  We followed that with a pyramid workout that I put together a couple weeks ago after doing something similar in class.  It is speedy, requires no equipment, and will definitely get your heart rate up!
 Here we are doing our thing.
We finished off the day with some walking lunges and stretches and were out the door by 4.  That's the best feeling!  

Now I'm off to go mom and I are headed to Fort Worth right after work tomorrow to go cheer on Jay's volleyball team in the championship!  See you soon!

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